Survey of Western Art, Assignments


The assignments are designed to make you cram as much information, as elegantly as possible, into as few words and illustrations as possible. Thus you have 500 words (more will lose grade points), and three illustrations (more will lose grade points). If your topic is partially covered by the text book, you may not reproduce it in your assignment! Search the library for alternative sources and images. Choose your material carefully to give the best, most representative view of the material possible within the restrictions. Make a reference list or bibliography at the end (failure to do so will lose grade points). Type or wordprocess your assignment, and make xerox illustrations (or download them, or whatever). For more details, see the Grading Policy for this course.

There are between thirty and forty of you taking this course. So, DO NOT CHECK OUT LIBRARY BOOKS! Do your research in the library, and leave the books there for others.

There will be a xerox account for this course. You are allowed 30 free xeroxes each. That is a little more than you will need for the whole semester. Do not abuse this account, and do not allow friends access to it either. If it runs over budget, the surplus will be divided equally between all members of the class and grades will be withheld until the surplus has been paid.

Sep 20Prehistoric houses
OR Cylinder seals
Sep 27Scythian Art
Oct 4Idealized figures in Classical art
Oct 11Celtic art (La Tène and Hallstatt: NOT Medieval!)
OR Etruscan funerary urns
OR Situla art
Oct 16Prepared Discussion: Cave Painting
(find internet links, slide carousel and study questions)
Nov 1Roman floor mosaics
OR Art of the Migrations period
Nov 8Byzantine Icons
OR Early Christian and Byzantine ivory carving
Nov 15Viking styles of 8th-10th centuries
OR The Lindisfarne Gospels
OR The Ardagh Chalice
Nov 22Mosan and Rhenish enamels
OR Gloucester cathedral (UK)
Dec 18,
9.00 a.m.
Final Exam: Prepared Discussion: What is Gothic architecture about?

Grading Policy Syllabus Home Page